PHENOMENALITY: *marvelous*
FRYEAN MYTHOS: *adventure*

The most amusing alternate title for THE BIG BLACKOUT is seen in the ad above, which translates to "Perry Grant, Agent of Iron." True, as played by two-time actor Peter Holden, Perry Grant does get into some decent punch-ups, but he's only average-looking for this type of character, and the descriptor "iron" suggests someone as powerful as, say, Gordon Scott. All that said, I used the title THE BIG BLACKOUT because it denotes the only metaphenomenal content of the movie: that the villain, a schemer named Josipovici, plans to conquer the world using a device able to black out whole cities. Not surprisingly, the film wastes no money showing us the device in action and instead wears out its meager budget sending Perry around to various parts of Rome, looking for evidence of counterfeiting and romancing a couple of comely women, principally Marilu Tolo. The actresses serve as little more than window-dressing, and the few romantic interludes are tediously shot.

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