PHENOMENALITY: *marvelous*
FRYEAN MYTHOS: *adventure*

Though I've rate this DTV film's mythicity as low, it's a reasonably entertaining low-budget action-movie.

One day border patrol cop Lindsey (Tiffani Thiessen of SAVED BY THE BELL fame) is driving down a lonelyy road, and she sees a strange man running along the road. She pulls the individual, one Isaac (UFC competitor Rich Franklin) over to check out his story, and promptly gets pulled into his troubles. Isaac happens to be on the run from a cadre of well organized hunters, and he's forced to drag Lindsey along with him so that the hunters won't turn her into collateral damage.

Isaac is actually a former death-row inmate, mostly amnesiac and genetically altered so that he possesses supernormal strength and reflexes. He's part of a research project into the making of super-soldiers, and the head of the project is a rich guy with the obviously evil name of "Simon Hart" (Bruce Greenwood).

Naturally, while Lindsey is forced into regular company with the naive "human weapon," she comes to sympathize with his plight and tries to teach him about life outside a research institute. But none of this keeps the film from keeping up the pace with the action scenes. There's a minor dramatic turn when Hart tells Isaac he was sentenced for killing his family, but you know these villains, always telling lies.

All three principals put in strong performances and the action is pleasing without being all that memorable.

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